In this lecture 2 of our friends presented their project.
Abdullah Sevincer's project is about Funding Network. Funding Networks nodes are government agencies as funding part to authors, their universities and funding as funded part. Funding network has been worked on however such works are not sufficiently detailed. Sevincer will use NSF as basic funding institution because it declares information about funds. He will use NSF data and try to find some relations between authors and fundings, universities and fundings and so on.
Akgun, on the other hand , will work on a Subnet Level Internet Topology Generator. He mentioned that Subnet level topology generator has not been issued yet. Firstly, he explained the need for internet topology generators. Network researchers need realistic internet topologies to run a performance study on their newly designed protocols. Mapping of real internet topologies has some difficulties and it is a time consuming job. Synthetic but realistic internet topology generators have a lot of use in this area. Secondly, he presented a detailed related work section including previous implementations of router-level and AS-level internet topology generators. Finally he talked about his design objectives. A realistic and highly configurable subnet level topology generator will be designed.
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